September 22, 2010
To say that Shanghai was crowded would be an understatement. Today was the actual festival - a time when most people are hanging out with their families and Miranda who runs the B&B we were staying at thought it wouldn't be too busy out. Hmm, I think it was the exact opposite!! We wandered a little bit, taking the subway from the French Concession into old town. The Yu Yuan Bazaar was so packed with tourists and people buying last minute gifts (that weren't eggs). There was no way we could get to the tea house - check out how crowded the zig zag bridge is!!

So we settled for a tour of the Yu Yuan gardens in the rain. Swamped with tour groups, the confusing layout and rain slowed us down a bit. But I enjoyed walking the pebbled paths and taking in the rockeries.
After garden touring we headed back to the subway where we caught a train to meet up with one of Mom's colleagues, Julie, for dinner. A wonderful dinner all ordered in Chinese and she even managed to find us a delicious moon cake to try when we got back to the B&B!